Giải thích idiom "reach/shoot for the moon" tiếng anh

· Idiom

Bên cạnh HƯỚNG DẪN TỪNG BƯỚC CÁCH LÀM BÀI TẬP MẪU IELTS READING DẠNG FILL IN THE GAP, IELTS TUTOR cung cấp Giải thích idiom "reach/shoot for the moon" tiếng anh

Mang nghĩa "cố gắng đạt được điều gì đó rất khó..."

​=to ask for the best or the most you could hope for/to try to do or get something that is very difficult to do or get

IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:

  • Purchasing such an accommodation may cost you millions of dollars, which is a significant amount of capital to many. Hence, by residing in such a place, I would be shooting for the moon in terms of achieving prestige and satisfaction.
  • an ambitious businessman who is always shooting for the moon
  • You might as well shoot for the moon and ask for a promotion as well as a raise.
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