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Word form, Paraphrase, Antonym "pick (verb)"trong tiếng anh

May 22, 2023

Bên cạnh cung cấp Bài sửa đề thi IELTS WRITING TASK 2 ngày 22/8/2020 của HS đi thi đạt 7.0 writing, IELTS TUTOR cũng hướng dẫn Word form, Paraphrase, Antonym "pick (verb)"trong tiếng anh

I. Kiến thức liên quan

II. Paraphrase của"pick (verb)" tiếng anh


  • Choose: IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ: She carefully chose a book from the library.
  • Select: IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ: He selected a few items from the menu.
  • Opt for: IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ: They decided to opt for the healthier option on the menu.  >> IELTS  TUTOR  hướng  dẫn  Cách dùng động từ"encourage"tiếng anh
  • Hand-pick: IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ: The chef hand-picked fresh ingredients for the recipe.
  • Cherry-pick: IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ: The coach cherry-picked the best players for the team.
  • Single out: IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ: They singled out one person for their outstanding performance.
  • Decide on: IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ: We need to decide on a date for the event.
  • Elect: IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ: The committee elected a new chairman.
  • Settle on: IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ: After much consideration, they settled on a location for the picnic.

III. Trái nghĩa (Antonyms) của"pick (verb)" tiếng anh


  • Reject: IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ: They rejected his proposal for the project.
  • Dismiss: IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ: The manager dismissed their suggestions without considering them.
  • Discard: IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ: He discarded the old clothes that no longer fit him.  >> IELTS  TUTOR  hướng  dẫn  Cách dùng động từ "use"tiếng anh 
  • Ignore: IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ: She chose to ignore the negative comments and focus on the positive.
  • Exclude: IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ: They excluded him from the group because of his behavior.
  • Drop: IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ: He dropped the idea of starting his own business.
  • Overlook: IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ: The teacher overlooked their mistakes and praised their efforts.
  • Neglect: IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ: They neglected to address the issue, causing further problems.
  • Miss: IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ: She missed the opportunity to attend the concert.
  • Avoid: IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ: He tried to avoid the difficult conversation by changing the topic.

IV. Word form của"pick (verb)" tiếng anh


  • Picker (noun): IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ: The fruit picker climbed the ladder to reach the apples.  >> IELTS  TUTOR  hướng  dẫn  Cách dùng động từ "avoid" tiếng anh
  • Picking (noun): IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ: The picking of strawberries is a popular seasonal activity.
  • Pickpocket (noun): IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ: Beware of pickpockets in crowded areas.
  • Unpick (verb): IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ: She had to unpick the stitches and start over.

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