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Antonym (trái nghĩa) của"decline"trong tiếng anh

May 19, 2023

Bên cạnh cung cấp Bài sửa đề thi IELTS WRITING TASK 2 ngày 22/8/2020 của HS đi thi đạt 7.0 writing, IELTS TUTOR cũng hướng dẫn Antonym (trái nghĩa) của"decline"trong tiếng anh

I. Kiến thức liên quan

II. Trái nghĩa (Antonyms) của"decline" tiếng anh


  • Increase: To become greater in quantity, size, or intensity. IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ: The demand for the product increased significantly after the advertising campaign.

  • Rise: To move upward or become higher in position, value, or quantity. IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ: The temperature is expected to rise during the summer months.

  • Grow: To develop and become larger or more mature over time. IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ: The company aims to grow its customer base by expanding into new markets.

  • Improve: To make or become better in quality, condition, or performance. IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ: The student's grades improved after receiving extra tutoring.

  • Ascend: To move upward or climb to a higher position. IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ: The hikers started to ascend the mountain, eager to reach the summit. >> IELTS TUTOR hướng dẫn Cách dùng tính từ"ascending"tiếng anh

  • Recover: To regain or return to a normal or better state after a setback or decline. IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ: The economy slowly began to recover after the financial crisis.

  • Advance: To move forward or make progress in a positive direction. IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ: The research team made significant advances in their scientific discoveries.

  • Soar: To rise or fly high in the air, often with a sense of speed or grace. IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ: The eagle soared effortlessly above the treetops.

  • Expand: To become larger in size, scope, or extent. IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ: The company plans to expand its operations to international markets.

  • Flourish: To thrive or prosper, often with a connotation of growth and success. IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ: The arts and crafts industry has been flourishing in recent years.

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